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Low Quality Image Detected

The resolution of your image is very low. We strongly recommend that you provide a higher-resolution image to avoid disapointment with the final result. If you choose to continue with this image, then please note that we will not be able to issue refunds based on the print quality. You've been warned!

This product requires an image of at least 0px by 0px for a clear, high quality print.


Unsuitable for laser engraving

The image you have provided is not suitable for laser engraving. The engraving process requires vectorised, single-colour artwork. The coloured portion of your artwork will be engraved, revealing the base metal of the product.


Vector format fonts detected

The file you have provided contains fonts which have not been outlined. Accurate reproduction of the text in this artwork is not possible. In order to print vectorised fonts, you will first need to create outlines for the text in your vector graphic editing package.


Uploading and processing...

Please wait a moment for your file to be uploaded and prepared for display...

Artwork element deleted. Delete all artwork?